Benefits of diaphragmatic breathing during pregnancy:
* Strengthen your core muscles (deep abdominal muscles, diaphragm, pelvic floor and deep back muscles).
* Prepare you for labor and delivery as it increases body's stamina
* It prevents formation of diastasis recti (separation of abdominal muscles)
* Decreases blood pressure
* Increases body-mind awareness
* Stimulates parasympathetic nervous system (vagus nerve- the longest cranial nerve initiates body's relaxation response
Practice diaphragmatic breathing in "Bridge Pose"
* Place a beach ball or folded pillow between your thighs
* Raise your buttocks off the floor and hold the position using your buttock muscles and deep core muscles
* Inhale as deep as you can into your nose, expanding your ribcage laterally, relaxing the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Visualize your breath traveling both sides of your ribcage, down, up and back of you body.
* Exhale as slow and controlled as you can out from your mouth, using the deep layer of abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Notice the ribcage shrinks gradually.
* During this exercise, your neck and upper body remain relaxed.
* Watch the video before you practice.
#prenatalexercise #corestrengthduringpregnancy #prenatalcore #diastasisrecti #diaphragm #vagusnerve #diaphragmaticbreathing #bridgepose #yoga #greatanatomyfitness